Mr. Charles Hider
LL. B. (Melbourne)
Executive Chairman
Charles is formerly Chairman of Partners of Rigby Cooke, Solicitors, Melbourne. For ten years, he was a member of the Victorian Parliament.
Charles was formerly a Director and Chairman of several listed resource companies and has gained extensive international legal, commercial and negotiating experience in respect of technology and resources. Founding chairman of NeuralDx.
Associate Prof. Harry Minas
Non-Exec. Director and Chair of Scientific Advisory Board
Harry graduated in medicine and surgery, and medical science, from the University of Melbourne [UoM]. During his BMedSc studies, he contributed to the early scientific work that resulted in the cochlear implant.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and a Distinguished Fellow of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists. He was foundation director of the Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit. Since 1995 he has also been Director of the UoM Centre for International Mental Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health.
In 2007 to present, he was appointed by the Director-General of the World Health Organisation to the International Expert Panel on Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Dr Len Walker
B.Eng. (Melb.), Ph.D. [Cantab.], MBA (Melb.)
Non-Executive Director
Len has two degrees in engineering from the University of Melbourne [UoM]. He graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy from Cambridge University in 1967, and Master of Business Administration from UoM in 1973.
Since 1985, Len has initiated and invested in the development of several resource companies, both private and publicly listed on the ASX, involving the acquisition of assets, management of staff and raising of capital for project development in a range of countries in Europe, America and Asia. He is CEO of Chaucer Energy Ltd. which is seeking ASX Listing.
Dr. Roger Edwards
BSc. (Hons.) Mech. Eng. (Surrey), Ph.D. (Strathclyde) – C.E.O.
Roger is a biomedical engineer and has worked in senior executive roles in therapeutic device regulation, R&D and manufacturing of medical devices, as well as other industry sectors.
As Executive Director of the Food and Packaging CRC, Roger was instrumental in creating four spin-offs, licensing two technologies internationally and raising over $5 million in investment capital and other grants.
Adjunct Professor Brian Lithgow
BSc., MSc. (Monash)
EVestG’s Inventor and Chief Scientific Officer
Brian was until recently the Director of Teaching for the Monash University Centre for Biomedical Engineering and the Leader of the Monash University Diagnostic and Neuro‐signal Processing Research Group. He is now Adj. Professor at the University of Manitoba.
His research interests focus on Vestibular and Neurological Diagnostics and include modelling of the auditory and vestibular systems, Tinnitus suppression, and cochlear implant signal processing. His publications include over 72 refereed publications, 15 peer-reviewed journal articles (four patents, six books).
Zahra Moussavi
(Professor of Canadian Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Manitoba).
Zahra has led the establishment of an EVestG™ facility at the University of Manitoba and the Riverview Hospital.
She has initiated a longitudinal study to determine if EVestG™ can discover and validate electrophysiological biomarkers for some Dementias [e.g. Alzheimer’s] and the monitoring of Therapy.